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Julie Marie

Iced Coffee and a sleeping newborn

Since my last post in January 2021, life has been very exciting, And yes, you read the title right, I have a newborn! I have been trying to sit down and write a quick life update but, well, life has been happening. At the end of 2020/beginning of 2021, I started seriously considering my options regarding starting a family of my own. Throw in a chiflador and lots of doctor visits and anxiety episodes, a positive home pregnancy test, more anxiety episodes and fast forward to Sep 2022 and BOOM I'm sitting at my dinning room table with an iced coffee and a sleeping newborn.

People always told me that having a child is like seeing your heart live outside of your body and boy were they right. This little boy has quickly become my entire universe and more. My wish for him is that he will always know how much he was wished for, wanted and most importantly, how much he is loved.

A huge thank you to everyone who has been genuinely happy for us; there are no amount of words to explain our gratitude and my appreciation for you all; after all, I finally have what I never knew I always wanted.

My goal is to have more posts on this blog to document this new season of life and recap the last year and a half.



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